Menedék alapítvány

Jó az Úr! Menedék a nyomorúság idején. (Náhum 1,7)

Refuge Foundation in Hungary

Refuge Foundation in Hungary

+1 YEAR FOR MENEDÉK supporting program

Dear Supporters!

27 years ago when we started the service of Menedék Fundation out of offerings of voluntary commitment, faith, time, money and energies. In the last decades our service areas have been established in three geographic parts of the country: in Budapest, Kiskunmajsa and Bodrog. Every day we provide shelter in our homes for 165 people and more than 160 children recieve education in our schools and kindergartens.

Over the past decades we dealt with a wide range of people from the margins of society; many of them went through lifechanging experiences and put their trust in God. We are grateful to the Lord for renewed lives, restored relationships, healing from addictions, and for opportunities for indigent people to build a new life. Through the service of Menedék new churches were established where the staff and clients can practice community.

Since the end of the communist era and the change of regime we work in accordance with the social and child protection laws, largely with the help of normative state support, which, however, has not increased (in fact, decreased and not only in real terms), and this led the operation of our service into a critical situation.

We are at a turning point. 15% of our basic operating expenditure is missing, approximately 14 million HUF a year. This missing amount could be obtained by the collaboration of our community members, individuals, businesses and churches if with their support they help us take care of homeless people.

Our experience is that our work is very much needed. There is constant overapplication to our homes, we are unable to help everyone. Massive amount of families and individuals lost and loose their homes due to bank loans. Thus, the work of Menedék should be expending and not restricted. But so far our goal is the survival.

We thank all our former, and future supporters for joining the service of Menedék! The help coming from you is necessary and essential. Please keep praying for us and for the people that stay in our homes.

Zoltán Kovács


For further information contact the Central Office
Address: 1221 Budapest, Leányka utca 34.
Tel: +36-1-789-0048

„The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him” Nahum 1:7

There is a solution, The Refuge For abandoned children, for lonely teenagers, for people who want to be free from drug and alcohol problems and immoral lifestyle

An opportunity to serve for Christians who long for fellowship and eager to learn and to serve.

Who are we?

We are born again Christians, disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that all antisocial behaviour, self-devastational lifestyles, and emational problems are not simply diseases but the consequences of sin

Jesus Christ, the Son of God gives freedom and healing to everyone who wants it and accepts it by faith. He came to us to take away our sins.

Most people suffer from the lack of love. God is love and in Him the solution can be found

The Menedék Alapitvány (The Refuge Foundation) is an interdenominational ministry.

Looking back on the beginnings

The ministry began in 1978, when a few members of Budafok Baptist Church decided to reach out to the homless at Kosztolányi Square to have personal contacts with these needy people.

In September 1984 we opened the Tea Club for lonely and addicted people who long to get healed. Private donations cover the running costs.

In 1985 we had to legally organize the work so we joint Lares Humanservice Allience. Since December 1986 we work as a foundation. Our organization received the independent legal status on January 8th 1988.

We trust God to supply our needs through gifts and donations of individuals, churches, public and private grants. We also receive significant financial support from the government for the operation of the foundation, through benifits based on national social welfare policies.

We offer the following services

In Budapest we operate a Men’s Shelter, a Women’s Shelter a Mother’s Home and a Family Helping Office. In Bodrog there is a community of foster-parents, a kindergarten, a primary school and a music school. In Kiskunmajsa we run „The Shelter Town” (Menedékváros). In Beregsurány we serve among the poor and the needy. The ministry there is in charge of ten nearby villages in the area. We train foster-parents and counsellors.

We give help and offer a way of solution for those who want to have a change in their lives.(We are convinced that each person is responsipble for his own life. One shouldn’t blame others for his/her circumstances.) We belive that only a new thinking through faith and a reconciled heart in Christ can bring real change in one’s life. Our aim is to achieve that change.

Our main contacts individuals, Christian churches, personal relationships, supporters, agencies of public welfare and administration, local governments, other Hungarian and foreign foundations

Our co-workers

  • voluntary helpers
  • our staff, whose salaries are partly provided by the financial contribution of our supporters
  • volunteers for a one-year service


The local director is Gábor Liptai.

Tea club

Isten Háza 1221 Budapest Péter Pál utca 17.

Our purpose is to reach out and to help among the lonely and the troubled young people. The meetings are open and informal. There are several programs after which we serve a cup of tea and bread. During the conversations we talk about personal, financial, and spiritual needs (eg. home, work, clothing, family relationships). We get to know their real problems and needs, so we can seek the solution together through the guidence of God’s word.

Central Office

1221 Budapest, Leányka utca 34. III/.21.
We handle the administrative affaires of the foundation in this office.

Men’s shelter

1221 Budapest, Péter Pál utca. 21

Mother’s home

In all three institutions our aim is more than just giving a shelter to the homless. We want to motivate them to get relief from their destructive habits. Help giving is based on the truths of the Bible, discipline hard work, patience, and fellowship. We can only deal with those who want to have a change and start a new life. The concept of our theory and method is to give them a constant example of a contented, biblical lifestyle as seen in the lives of our counsellors in all area of life.


The local director is Dezső Madarász

Protected home

7439 Bodrog, Kossuth utca. 155.

We bought the ruined Nádasdy mansion in 1985. At present there are six families ministering to children in foster care who are either from state institutions or from troubled homes. The children are raised up in loving homes, in a pleasant environment and in fellowship with one another. Single co-workers also help in this endeavour. The renovation of the mansion took place between 1985 and 1991. Children living in „The Protected Home” have been involved in the production of three music cassettes/CDs for kids.

Kindergarten – primary school – music school

The first established Christian kindergarten of the country has been operating here since 1989, after the fall of communism. Appr. 25 children (from The Protected Home and from the neighbourhood) attend the kindergarten.

„The Beginning Of Wisdom” primary school (1-4 grades, with 16 kids) was opened in September 1994, it has a Christian world view. Two years later the school expanded till the sixth grade. At present we have 58 students who come from Bodrog and from the neighbourhood.

Since 1995 our music school works. We teach 5 different instruments. We have more than 80 students at present.

Shelter town (Menedékváros)

The local director is Zoltán Kovács

6120 Kiskunmajsa, Marispuszta 253/A

The so called „Shelter Town” is built in Kiskunmajsa, with 60 appartments on the 61 hectar property of the previous Russian army barracks. The shelter accepts and enables homeless people to take responsibility and begin to live independently. Most of the members used to be under the authority of state care, where responsibility and independence are not encouraged.

Menedék Newsletter

Short news, 2015, February

Short news 2015, June

2013 Winter

2014 Summer

2014 Winter

2012 Summer

2012 Winter

2013 Spring

2011 Summer

2011 Winter

2012 Spring

2010 Summer

2010 Winter

2011 Spring

2008 Winter

2009 Autumn

2010 Spring

2005 Autumn

2006 Summer

2007 Winter

Our purposes

Help and develop these people

  • to find proper and meaningful purpose in life
  • to get used to continuous work responsibilities
  • to manage their own lives
  • to use their social skills in a community/fellowship
  • to enable them to make wise financial decisions


How to support

1% tax (in Hungary)

You can forward 1% of your personal tax to Shelter Foundation! We receive your offerings with gratitude. Shelter Foundation turns its incomes on the charity goals, layed down in our constitution.

Our fiscal code: 19004909-2-43

Support from Hungary by transmission:

Bank Account: OTP NYRt, 11722003-20022222

Name and address: Menedék Alapítvány, 1221 Budapest, Leányka utca 34. 

Support via Postal Check

We can send a check, if you phone this number: (+36)1-789-0048. 

Support from abroad

IBAN international account:

HU72 1172 2003 2002 2222 0000 0000


Please, when transmitting or sending  a check, indicate the purpose of the money, whether you give for a general or a special cause. 

Material support

Material support (furniture, clothing, food) we receive happily after consoltation by phone(+36)1-789-0048.


A working hand is welcome any time! Primerily we expect christians to come and find the tasks that need to be solved together with the leader of a particular ministry. More informations about volunteering: (+36)1-789-0048. 
