"The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in Him."
Nahum 1, 7
Our story
The history of our ministry begins in 1978. In that year, some members of the Baptist Church of Budapest's Budafok district went to Kosztolányi Square to come into personal contact with the homeless people there. From then on, our ministry of help began.
In 1984, we took another step when other members of the Budafok Baptist Church founded the tea club. The goal was to provide a place for people who had problems with addiction to find rest and people who would listen to them and offer support. At that time, our expenses were covered by donations alone.
We have been operating as a foundation since December 1, 1986. The "Menedék Alapítvány" (eng.: "Refuge Foundation") was established and since January 8, 1988 we have been considered an independent legal entity.
In the following years, more and more locations were established, such as the Educational Center in Bodrog. After the change of regime in 1989, we founded the first Christian kindergarten there as Menedék Alapítvány, and 5 years later, in September 1994, our elementary school opened its doors there. Only one year later a music school was added.
On September 1, 2008, we transferred the maintenance rights to the local Baptist church "Jó az Úr" (eng.: "Our Lord is good") in Bodrog. Since then, the facility has continued to operate in the spirit of the founders' original intentions and goals.
Other institutions founded since then are the Mother House and Boys' Home in Budapest, as well as the "Menedékváros" (eng.: City of Refuge) in Kiskunmajsa.
Since February 1, 2018, the "Baptista Menedék Szolgálat" (eng.: Baptist Refuge Service) has been the sponsor of the Menedék Alapítvány facilities.
The Menedék Alapítvány, the Baptist Church in Bodrog and the Baptista Menedék Szolgálat are independent organizations, but they work together in partnership to achieve the goals, or rather the foundations, on which these relief works were founded.
Who we are?
In the 22nd district of Budapest, the Baptista Menedék Szolgálat runs a boys’ home, a mother house and the tea club program. The central office, where the foundation is managed and organized, is also in the 22nd district.
The Boys’ Home (hu.: „Fiúotthon”) is a shelter for young men who are in crisis, have a criminal record, are addicted or homeless. Accommodation, cleaning and laundry services are provided, and help is given with food, clothing and hygiene items when needed. Residents are assisted based on an individualized plan of care that is coordinated with them and focuses on continuing education, completing the education they have begun, and employment in order to lay the groundwork for a secure future.
A few streets away is the Mother House (hu.: „Mamásotthon”). The aim of the Mother House is to provide temporary home-like accommodation and care for a mother seeking protection and her child in a family crisis situation. In addition, this is intended to prevent the children from being endangered or to eliminate an already existing endangerment, thus strengthening the family’s ability to bond. Shelters, sanitary facilities, cooking facilities, bedding, washing facilities and textiles are provided. Otherwise, the residents are supported by counseling, psychological and spiritual assistance.
Furthermore, the tea club is held in the Baptist Church in Budafok every Thursday, starting at 05:30 pm. The goal is to reach out to lonely and disoriented people, who mainly live in the institutions as well, and give them a helping hand. The event is open to the public and is not bound to a fixed form. After a short program together, we talk and play over a cup of tea and buttered bread. We get to know the problems and needs of the people involved and together we look for a solution. We try to create an open and inclusive community where everyone can feel welcome.
Menedékváros – Kiskunmajsa
On the site of the former Soviet barracks in Kiskunmajsa, the „Menedékváros” (eng.: city of refuge) was built in 1996, where people who want to „escape” a stressful environment can find help. It is a temporary home for the homeless, single people and families with small children. The „City of Refuge” takes them in when they are in need and offers them the opportunity to find peace and stability and then move on. Together with the people, personalized, individualized care plans are built to ease their transition. Daily counseling, community, faith-based programs and employment help to facilitate a successful exit from the care system.
Two facilities are distinguished in Menedékváros: On the one hand, the emergency shelter for homeless people and the transitional home for families. The Transitional Home for Families is a child protection facility for parents and their children who are without a home, for parents and their children who seek shelter due to a family crisis, and for families with children in social crisis who are temporarily housed until the reasons for housing no longer exist. Shared housing and care in the form of a home-like placement are provided to prevent children from becoming endangered or to eliminate the endangerment that has already occurred, thus strengthening the family’s ability to maintain its assets.
In addition, there is a transitional shelter in Menedékváros, which takes in men and women from all over the country who have become homeless due to crises and difficulties. We provide shelter, cleaning and laundry facilities, as well as clothing and cleaning supplies as needed. We assist our residents based on an individualized plan of care agreed upon with the person we serve. We focus on employment and, in the case of young people, on further education, thus laying the foundations for a secure future.
Moreover, in the Menedékváros soup kitchen, hot lunch is free of charge and breakfast, as well as dinner, are offered at a reduced price.
Our goal is to help people and families to reintegrate into society, who increasingly find themselves in disadvantageous situations and situations that developed due to circumstances or came from their own fault. Our service program of Baptista Menedék Szolgálat is primarily concerned with families with small children and people without shelter, by providing emergency accommodation and by means of various programs or projects we try to give the families and homeless people answers to their problems.
The most important way the service helps people in need is through personal presence: by creating community, common experiences are shared. These experiences help the people staying with us to become more demanding and searching, not only socially, hygienically and morally, but also spiritually and psychologically. We believe in the need to help the „whole person”: In addition to physical help, we offer spiritual care, counseling and can provide real motivation and incentive by setting attractive and achievable goals.
We believe that the Holy Scripture, the Bible, is inspired by God, is perfect and inerrant, and is the supreme authority for us.
We believe that God is the one, eternally living Trinity, consisting of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, who was born of the Virgin Mary and was without sin, who worked miracles in his life, died and shed his blood for us.
We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. He is preparing to come from there to judge the living and the dead.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is still at work today, living in us as Christians and filling us so that we can live a sanctified life.
We believe that every created person in the flesh will be resurrected and judged: Believers who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior will live forever with God, but unbelievers will remain eternally separated from God.
We believe that we are members of Christ’s Church, together with those who are also united with God’s risen and ascended Son. We believe that the universal body of Christ must be manifested in the form of local churches, which play a very important role in God’s plan.
We believe that the primary task of every believer is to go into the world and proclaim the gospel. We believe that the impact of the gospel will lead to the restoration of human relationships and justice in society.
We believe that Christ has commanded every Christian to help his fellow human beings in need, and that it is He who sends to those in need. In this way, they too can experience salvation.
| Address | Fixed network | Cell phone | Contact | |
Central office | Leányka u. 34 Budapest 1221 | (+36) 1-789-0048 | (+36) 20-999-7293 | iroda@menedekszolgalat.hu | Tünde Rácz |
Boys‘Home | Péter Pál utca 21. Budapest 1221 | (+36) 1-788-1261 | (+36) 20-999-7296 | fiuotthon@gmail.com | Gábor Liptai |
Mother House | Not public | (+36) 1-226-2756 | (+36) 20-999-7280 | mamasotthon@gmail.com | Zsuzsanna Szilágyi |
Tea Club | Péter Pál utca 17-19. Budapest 1221 | (+36) 20-953-4282 | fiuotthon@gmail.com | Tivadar Molnár | |
Menedékváros Transitional home for families | Marispuszta 253-A 6120 Kiskunmajsa | (+36) 77-481-989 | (+36) 20-999-7287 | menedekvaros@gmail.com | Anikó Tóth |
Menedékváros Emergency shelter for homeless | Marispuszta 253-A 6120 Kiskunmajsa | (+36) 77-483-008 | (+36) 20-775-9599 | menedekhao@gmail.com | Anikó Tóth |
Menedékváros Soup kitchen | Marispuszta 253-A 6120 Kiskunmajsa | (+36) 77-481-989 | (+36) 20-999-7288 | iroda@menedekszolgalat.hu | |
Menedékváros Baptistchurch | Marispuszta 253-A 6120 Kiskunmajsa | (+36) 77-483-008 | (+36) 20-999-7281 | iroda@menedekszolgalat.hu | Katalin Csöndes |
How to support us
Be part of the Baptista Menedék Szolgálat!
Our expenses are covered by God's providence, donations from individuals, churches and businesses, and grants. As part of the national social safety net, we also receive extensive normative support for the operation of our facilities.
A year for the Menedék
As part of the "A Year for the Menedék" support program, we welcome applications from supporters who commit to supporting our ministry for one year with a small, predictable monthly amount (e.g., 2,000, 6,000, 15,000 HUF per month or another amount). Please leave us your address or email address in a message when you make a transfer so that we can contact you.
The one plate aid
At Menedékváros in Kiskunmajsa, we run a soup kitchen where homeless people and families with small children receive a hot meal once a day. The government subsidy for running the soup kitchen is significantly less than the (frugal) expenses. Since this meal cannot be replaced by other means for many people, we have decided to preserve the kitchen and start a fundraising campaign to make up the shortfall. We are looking for 20 supporters who can help with 10,000-15,000 HUF monthly to feed the needy families in Kiskunmajsa! When you make a transfer, please mention "népkonyha" in the message.
Single help
It is possible to make individual donations to the social and child protection institutions of Menedék Alapítvány and educational institutions in Bodrog. The donations sent according to the purpose will be forwarded and used in the spirit of the donor. If you would like to send a donation in support of a specific ministry of the Baptista Menedék Szolgálat, please indicate the purpose of the donation when making the transfer (e.g., "support of a boys' home" "support of education in Bodrog" etc.).
Menedék Alapítvány
Bank account:
OTP Bank, 11722003-20022222
Tax number: 19004909-2-43
Bank account name and address:
Menedék Alapítvány
Leányka u. 34.
1221 Budapest
Please leave us your address or email address in a message when you make a transfer so we can contact you.
Baptista Menedék Szolgálat
Bank account:
KDB Bank
Please leave us your address or email address in a message when you make a transfer so we can contact you.
- Contact us at: (+36) 1-789-00-48
- We inform our supporters about the development of the service and report annually on the use of the support received.
Support us through PayPal
- If you would like to support us via PayPal, click on the DONATE button below.
- You can determine the amount of the donation yourself.
- If you provide your email address during the process, we will keep you updated on the progress of the service and report annually on how the donation was used.